The Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki
This wikia is a community for fan writers of TVD and TO.  You can add a character and a series below. 

Welcome To The Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki 

This Wikia is Having a Total Clear Out and Clean Up

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Use the box below to make an article on any character.

<createbox> preload=Template:Character preload tutorial buttonlabel=Create an article for any character width=50 break=yes </createbox>

Create a Series (only)

Use the box below to make an article on any episode.

<createbox> preload=Template:Episode buttonlabel=Create an article for any episode width=50 break=yes </createbox>

Fanfiction Exclusive


The Original Jurassic Vampire The Original Jurassic Vampire 26 January 2014

Post your fan fiction here

TVD Fanfiction wikia is for fanfiction created by me, but not only me. I've ope…

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